List of Attendees

Itziar Aretxaga — INAOE

Edwin Anthony Bergin — University of Michigan

Geoffrey A Blake — California Institute of Technology

Alberto D. Bolatto — University of Maryland, College Park

Geoffrey Bower — ASIAA

Charles M Bradford — JPL / Caltech

John Carpenter — Joint ALMA Observatory

Scott Chapman — Dalhousie University

James Okwe Chibueze — University of South Africa

Claudia Cicone — University of Oslo

Lauren Ilsedore Cleeves — University of Virginia

Asantha Cooray — UC Irvine

Pierre Cox — Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris

Daniel Dale — University of Wyoming

Katherine De Kleer — Caltech

Akira Endo — TU Delft

Stefano Facchini — University of Milan

Seiji Fujimoto — UT Austin

Matt J Griffin — Cardiff University

Daniel Harsono — National Tsing Hua University

Bert Hawkins — NRAO

George Helou — Caltech

Thomas Kai Henning — MPI for Astronomy

Brandon Hensley — JPL/Caltech

Rodrigo Herrera Camus — Universidad de Concepción

Lynne Hillenbrand — Caltech

Luis C Ho — Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University

Elizabeth Humphreys — ESO

Satoru Iguchi — National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Hanae Inami — Hiroshima University

Doug Johnstone — NRC-Herzberg

Robert Kennicutt — U Arizona/TAMU

Kotaro Kohno — University of Tokyo

Guilaine Lagache — LAM

David T Leisawitz — NASA / GSFC

Enrique Lopez Rodriguez — KIPAC at Stanford University

Meredith Ann Mac Gregor — Johns Hopkins University

Gregory Mack — The Kavli Foundation

Brett Mc Guire — MIT

Margaret Meixner — Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

Stefanie N Milam — NASA/GSFC

Kentaro Motohara — National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Eric Joseph Murphy — NRAO

Karin Oberg — Harvard University

Klaus Pontoppidan — Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Alexandra Pope — University of Massachusetts Amherst

Laura Pérez — Universidad de Chile

Patrick F Roche — Oxford University

Monica Rubio — Departamento de Astronomia, Universidad de Chile

Karin Sandstrom — UC San Diego

Marc Sauvage — CEA/DRF/Irfu/DAp

Eva Schinnerer — MPIA

Bernhard Schulz — DSI, University Stuttgart

Karl Friedrich Schuster — IRAM

John David Smith — Toledo

Tarun Souradeep — Raman Research Institute

Gordon Stacey — Cornell University

Amiel Sternberg — Tel Aviv University

Eric Switzer — NASA Goddard

Linda Tacconi — Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics

Yoichi Tamura — Nagoya University

Ewine Van Dishoeck — Leiden University

Joaquin Vieira — U. Illinois / NCSA

Christopher K Walker — University of Arizona

Fabian Walter — MPIA Heidelberg

Jonas Zmuidzinas — Caltech