NuSTAR Science Meeting 2016

November 15, 2016 - November 17, 2016

IPAC Conference Account FAQ

  1. What is an IPAC Conference Account?
  2. What information does IPAC collect?
  3. What are the features of an IPAC Conference Account?
  4. Where can I change my password or edit my personal information?
  5. How do I register
  6. How can I submit Abstracts?
  7. How can I remove my account?

  1. Question: What is an IPAC Conference Account?

    Answer: If you signed up for a conference affiliated with or hosted by IPAC in the past, you may remember that the previous system worked, but was very clunky. We've upgraded the system so it is easier to register and submit abstracts. We also now have a central account login system that can be used for future conferences. This means you will only need to submit your details once and then and register for any or all conferences affiliated with IPAC. You may update your information at any time, including the email address you use to sign in if you have changed institutions.

  2. Question: What information does IPAC collect?

    Answer: We collect your email address, dietary restrictions/preferences and other contact information, such as your name, title, affiliation and shipping address to mail conference proceedings. We only use this information to identify you upon sign-in to the conference website and for conference-related administration, such as creating your badges and sending out conference announcements and attendee lists. We will never share any of your personal information except your first name, last name and affiliation on the conference attendee list. You may opt out of displaying your name and affiliation on your "Account Details" page.

  3. Question: What are the features of an IPAC Conference Account?

    Answer: The system has all of the typical features of a web account; we'll collect your information once, which you can edit it at any time by visiting your "Account Details" page. You can recover forgotten passwords or re-send the account confirmation email and, unlike other systems, you can change the email address tied to the account (i.e. the sign-in email address).

  4. Question: Where can I change my password or edit my personal information?

    Answer: You can edit your personal information, badge information, dietary restrictions/preferences, account password and the email address tied to the account on the "Account Details" page. To access the page, click the "Account Details" button at the bottom of any page on the IPAC Conference website. You will be prompted to enter your current password after updating your information. If you do not wish to change your password, simply leave the "Change Password" fields empty.

  5. Question: How do I register?

    Answer: There are 3 steps to registering for a conference.

    • Selection: Make your selection of conference choices. The choices are typically a choice of single day or full conference registration. There are often add-ons, such as a field trip or additional banquet tickets. Click the "Continue" button to submit your registration for validation. If your registration does not validate, you will be provided with instructions to fix your registration.
    • Payment: Once the registration is submitted, you'll see a "Payment" button. Click the "Payment" button to lock your registration and send your order to our payment processing service. You will provide your credit card and billing information to pay for your registration. Upon successful payment, you will be presented with a "Finalize Registration" button, which will return you to the IPAC Conference website. Your registration order will be locked while payment is processed in case of an error during credit card processing, which occasionally happens with international credit cards. If you receive an error, the conference LOC will be notified, but you can visit the "My Registration" page to unlock your registration and attempt to pay again.
    • Call Back: After successfully processing your payment, there will be a "Finalize Registration" button that will bring you back to the conference site. Once IPAC receives approval from the payment processing services, your registration will be marked as "Paid" and the process is completed. Don't worry if you forget to click this button because the conference LOC is notified of every transaction attempt. Simply leave your registration locked. Within 48 hours, an administrator will manually verify your payment and mark your registration as "Paid."

  6. Question: How can I submit Abstracts?

    Answer: You can submit or edit abstracts by clicking the "My Abstracts" button at the bottom of any page on the IPAC Conference website. To submit an abstract, click the "+ Create Abstract" button. Once an abstract is submitted, you can modify it by clicking the "Edit" button.

  7. Question: How can I remove my account?

    Answer: You can remove your account by clicking on the "Account Details" button at the bottom of any page on the IPAC Conference website. From the Account Details page, in the very last section, click the "Cancel my account" link. Doing so will remove any registrations and abstracts submitted. If you need a refund, please contact the conference LOC at before you cancel your account.