
Videos from the info session are posted as a playlist on the IPAC YouTube channel.


Day 1: Monday, August 26, 2024

Time Presenters Presentation
8:30 AM George Helou Welcome to IPAC
  Bertrand Mennesson Meeting Intro/Day 1 Objectives
Session 1: Roman Coronagraph optical integration and static test results. Moderator: Bertrand Mennesson
8:35 AM Ilya Poberezhskiy Test Campaign Overview
8:55 AM Gasia Bedrosian Instrument Integration Campaign
9:15 AM A.J. Eldorado Riggs Overview of coronagraph masks configuration and design
9:35 AM Gary Kuan Instrument Optical Design Description
9:55 AM Brian Monacelli / Mark Colavita CGI Optical Alignment Approach and Results / Plans for Coronagraph to Payload Alignment
10:15 AM Break  
Session 2 (part I): Wavefront Sensing and Control Test Results. Moderator: Feng Zhao
10:40 AM A.J. Eldorado Riggs Coronagraph Alignment and Calibration: Design and Test Results
10:55 AM David Marx Phase Retrieval Design and Test Results
11:10 AM Nanaz Fathpour Star Acquisition
11:25 AM Milan Mandic Line of Sight Control
11:40 AM Brian Kern Low-order Wavefront Sensing Architecture and Results Summary
12:00 PM Lunch  
Session 2 (part II): Wavefront Sensing and Control Test Results. Moderator: Feng Zhao
1:00 PM Joon Seo Low-order Wavefront Sensing and Control of Z4 - Z11
1:20 PM Eric Cady High-order Wavefront Sensing and Control Architecture and Results Summary
Session 3: As built Performance of key Subsystems. Moderator: Ilya Poberezhskiy
1:50 PM Caleb Baker DM Assembly Tests and TVAC Measurements
2:10 PM Fang Shi Results of Coronagraph Masks Characterization and Active Optics Testing
2:30 PM Tyler Groff CGI Spectrometer/Polarimeter Design and Calibrations
2:45 PM (End of Day 1)  

Day 2: Tuesday, August 27, 2024







Time Presenters Presentation
8:30 AM Bertrand Mennesson Intro/Day 2 Objectives
Session 3 (cont.): As built Performance of key Subsystems. Moderator: Ilya Poberezhskiy
8:35 PM Nathan Bush ExCAM and LoCAM tuning at CGI level -- Update
Session 4: Coronagraph Modeling and Error Budget. Moderator: Vanessa Bailey
8:50 AM Hanying Zhou HOWFS Model Validation in TVAC
9:10 AM John Krist Instrument Integration Campaign
9:40 AM Brian Kern Coronagraph Top-Level Performance Predictions Update based on TVAC Results and Error Budget
10:10 AM Break  
Session 5: Instrument Flight Software, Operations and Data Reduction. Moderator: Patrick Lowrance
10:35 AM Kylee Fluckiger Instrument Software Architechture: Design and Implementation
10:55 AM Tim Koch Functional Testbed and V&V
11:15 AM Jim Ingalls Science Support Center Operations and Data Management
11:55 AM Marie Ygouf Data Reduction Pipeline Plans (Levels 1 to 4)
12:15 PM Lunch  
Session 6: Looking toward the Future with CGI and HWO. Moderator: John Ziemer
1:15 PM Feng Zhao CGI plans in the next few years
1:40 PM Julie McEnery Roman Phase E plans
2:00 PM Bertrand Mennesson How far does CGI get us on the way to HWO?
2:25 PM Vanessa Bailey CPP plans to maximize CGI's technical return
2:45 PM All Using CGI to prepare for HWO
3:15 PM (End of Day 2)