Submit Abstracts
Abstract Submission Deadline is 22 May 2015
There will be opportunities for contributed talks related to each of the science themes of the International Science Development Teams (ISDTs):
- Early universe, galaxy formation and the IGM
- Exoplanets
- Formation of stars and planets
- Fundamental physics and cosmology
- Milky Way and nearby galaxies
- Solar System
- Supermassive black holes
- Time domain science
Abstracts may be submitted through this website either before or after conference registration.
To submit an abstract:
- Create an account using the signup button on the "IPAC Conference Login" panel at the bottom right of this page.
- Once you are logged in, select "my abstracts" from the bottom panel to submit an abstract.
Please note the following requirements:
- Abstracts are limited to 200 words, and may include both plain text and TeX symbols.
- Please list co-authors as a comma-separated list on the form "I. I. Surname1, I. I. Surname2" in the order you wish to have them printed in the conference program.
- Note that only the corresponding author will be able to view, edit, or modify the abstract, and we do not collect contact information for co-authors. It is the author's responsibility to solicit feedback and permission from co-authors.
- Contributed posters: maximum size is 46" x 46".