Thirty Meter Telescope Science Forum

Submit Abstracts

Abstract Submission Deadline is 22 May 2015

There will be opportunities for contributed talks related to each of the science themes of the International Science Development Teams (ISDTs):

  • Early universe, galaxy formation and the IGM
  • Exoplanets
  • Formation of stars and planets
  • Fundamental physics and cosmology
  • Milky Way and nearby galaxies
  • Solar System
  • Supermassive black holes
  • Time domain science

Abstracts may be submitted through this website either before or after conference registration.


To submit an abstract:

  • Create an account using the signup button on the "IPAC Conference Login" panel at the bottom right of this page.
  • Once you are logged in, select "my abstracts" from the bottom panel to submit an abstract.

Please note the following requirements:

  • Abstracts are limited to 200 words, and may include both plain text and TeX symbols.
  • Please list co-authors as a comma-separated list on the form "I. I. Surname1, I. I. Surname2" in the order you wish to have them printed in the conference program.
  • Note that only the corresponding author will be able to view, edit, or modify the abstract, and we do not collect contact information for co-authors.  It is the author's responsibility to solicit feedback and permission from co-authors.
  • Contributed posters: maximum size is 46" x 46".