Enabling Cosmological Resonances Between WFIRST and LSST

September 13, 2016 - September 15, 2016 at the KISS Center


This science-focused workshop will explore the scientific synergies between LSST and WFIRST, with a focus on cosmology. It is jointly organized by the WFIRST HLS Cosmology Science Investigation Team (SIT) and the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC).

After presenting a status report of our two projects, we will discuss in detail the multiple areas where synergies could be beneficial. We will discuss joint data analysis and processing, as well as synchronized scientific analysis.  An outcome of the workshop will be a white paper to follow-up on Jain, Spergel et al. and the developement of a concrete implementation plan for both projects.The timing for such a workshop is prime. Whereas LSST planning is more advanced, the WFIRST High Latitude Survey planning effort is ramping up, and it is clear the synergies with LSST ought to be taken into account.

The timing for such a workshop is prime. Whereas LSST planning is more advanced, the WFIRST High Latitude Survey planning effort is ramping up and it is clear the synergies with LSST ought to be taken into account.

Organizers: Olivier Doré, Rachel Bean, Steve Kahn, Jason Rhodes.

Contact: Olivier Doré (olivier.p.dore**at**jpl.nasa.gov)

Registration is by invitation only. 

