Instructions for Presenters


Please construct your talk taking your allocated time into account: 30 min total (25 min talk + 5 min Q&A) for invited talks, 15 min total (12 min talk + 3 min Q&A) for contributed talks.

The session chairs will provide time warnings during the talks: For invited talks, when 5 min are left, when 2 min are left, and when time has expired and counts against Q&A time; for contributed talks, when 3 min are left, when 1 min is left, and when time has expired and counts against Q&A time.

Please upload you talk slide file no later than 7:30 AM PDT the day of your talk (see instructions below). This applies to both in-person and virtual attendees.

For those atteding in-person, transfer of your presentation file to the central computer via USB stick is acceptable for updates only, but this must be prior to the start of your session. The supported file formats include PowerPoint, Keynote, and PDF. Please use the most recent version of the software for the preparation; please update beforehand if necessary. The conference will have several designated persons who can help you with the file transfer.

For talks at the venue:

In-person presentations will be projected from a central computer set up in the venue. There will not be enough time to switch computers between different speakers. 

For talks via Zoom:

We will be using Zoom for the conference, so the assumption that we have is that you will be presenting your talk from your own machine, using "Share Screen."

If you lose your internet connection during your presentation:

  • Make sure that you have the number for the Zoom phone connection option
  • Call in by phone using the number and password information
  • Please make sure that you have provided us with a recent update of your slides
  • We will advance your slides for you, while you present your talk
  • If we do not hear from you within a few minutes after a lost internet connection, we will move on to the next presentation and try to accommodate yours later.


The poster boards will accommodate a maximum poster size of 39 inches inches tall by 33 inches wide (TBC). The posters will be exhibited outside the venue, next to the registration table under the sunshield tents. You should try to put your poster up as early in the conference as you can.They will remain up for the duration of the conference. The posters will be affixed to the easels with TBC, which we will provide.

The poster presenters will have an opportunity to present at one of the lightning sessions. Each presenter will have 3 minutes. The schedule for the lightning talks is posted here. Please follow the instructions below to upload your slides no later than 7:30 AM PDT the day of your lightning talk.

Uploading your presentation files:

Presenters for both invited and contributed talks, as well as poster lightning talks, please upload your slides at our dedicated Google Drive.

  • Please name your presentation file as "{YOUR LAST NAME}_roman2024.[file extension]", where "file extension" refers to your presentation software (pptx, etc.).
  • The recommended file size is less than 50 MB. Please let us know if your talk file is larger than this.
  • Please upload your file no later than 7:30 AM PDT the day of your talk
  • You can continue to update your talk until the start of your session.

Please do not hesitate to let us know if you encounter any difficulties preparing and uploading your talk file, at

All talks will be uploaded to the conference YouTube channel (link TBD) after the conference. We will also link the most recent version of your slides to the agenda at that time. If you have any objections to your presentation either appearing on YouTube or being linked into the agenda, or both, please let us know.