Instructions for Presenters

For talks:

We will be using Zoom for the conference, so the assumption that we have is that you will be presenting your talk from your own machine, using "Share Screen."

Please construct your talk taking your allocated time into account: 30 min total (25 min talk + 5 min Q&A) for invited talks, 15 min total (12 min talk + 3 min Q&A) for contributed talks.

Since the conference is being held entirely online, we will need to stay as closely as possible to the assigned times for talks.

All talks will be uploaded to the conference YouTube channel by the end of the day they are given. We will also link the most recent version of your slides to the agenda at that time. If you have any objections to this, please let us know.

  1. Presenters, please send your slides via email before your talk.
  • This is primarily as a backup, in case of a loss of internet connection during your talk
  • Email your slides to
  • The Box email attachment size limit is 50 MB
  • Attachment size limits vary for different mail tools, e.g., 20 MB for Microsoft Outlook
  • Please email us a version of your slides no later than 7:30 AM PST the day of your talk
  • You can continue to email us updates until the time of your talk (NOTE: each update overwrites the previous).
  1. Please practice your talk in advance, to ensure that its length is appropriate for the alloted time.
  2. Please be prepared to "share your screen" as soon as you are asked by the session chair.
  3. If you lose your internet connection during your presentation,
  • Make sure that you have the number for the Zoom phone connection option
  • Call in by phone using the number and password information
  • Please make sure that you have provided us with a recent update of your slides
  • We will advance your slides for you, while you present your talk
  • If we do not hear from you within a few minutes after a lost internet connection, we will move on to the next presentation and try to accommodate yours later.
  1. We will be running a video timer during your talk with background color coding.
  • For invited talks (30 min total)
    • turns orange when 5 min are left
    • turns red when 2 min are left
    • turns black when time is up and counts up during Q&A
  • For contributed talks (15 min total)
    • turns orange when 3 min are left
    • turns red when 1 min is left
    • turns black when time is up and counts up during Q&A.
  1. Pin the timer in Zoom if necessary.
  • This may be necessary if too many video channels are open
  • The session chairs will know how to do this.

Please do not hesitate to let us know if you run into any difficulties preparing and uploading your talk file:

For e-posters:

We will be using Zenodo as the platform for poster presentations. We have created a publicly viewable "Collection" page for the conference.

Submitting to Zenodo is straightforward, but it is important that all metadata be properly included. Below we provide a series of screenshots, stepping you through the submission process from start to finish.

For the poster file itself we kindly ask for a PDF file. For the optional, pre-recorded, 2-minute poster "pop" presentation, to be presented during the daily "lightning" poster sessions, we kindly ask for either an mp4 or MOV format file.

Please submit these files by January 31, 2022.

NOTE: The poster PDF file can be any dimension and any format, but please take conference participants viewing your poster submission into account. The "pop" can also be any style, and filmed with any device (iPhone, Android, video camera, etc.), but is absolutely limited to 2 minutes in duration --- we will truncate any video that exceeds this limit. The video should likely consist of a summary of or highlights from your poster and can include slides with graphics. It does not have to be a cinematic masterpiece, but should be interesting and salient enough to attract participants to take a closer look at your poster. Again, including the video is entirely optional.

NOTE: You will not be able to edit your submission once you have uploaded it, so please make sure you have both the poster file and the "pop" presentation finalized and ready to submit!

Once you have uploaded and published your contribution, and after the submission has been approved by a conference moderator, it will appear in the conference Collection page.

  1. Follow the link to the submission page for Roman Science Conference 2022.
  2. You will be presented with a login window (below).