February 5 - 8, 2019

UNLV Barrick Museum


Given the combination of the limited number of participants due to furloughs and the second epoch of Abell 370 arriving Jan. 30-31, the main focus of the meeting will be on several data products.  However, anybody who would like to give a talk and has not yet submitted an abstract will be added to the schedule.

The main goal of the meeting will be to produce four (or five, depending upon the success of transient searches) key products, introduced below.


Current draft program:

Tuesday, 9 AM - 5 PM: Barrick Museum

 9:00  Welcome and overview (Charles Steinhardt, Mathilde Jauzac)

 9:10  BUFFALO Observations Status, HST Mosaics and Image Products (Anton Koekemoer)

 9:30  Source Extraction, Catalogs, Photometry: Pipeline Overview (Iary Davidzon)

 9:40  Source Extraction, Catalogs, Photometry: HST data (Dan Coe)

10:00 Source Extraction, Catalogs, Photometry: Ancillary data (Brenda Frye)

10:10 Transient Searches and Toolkit (Lou Strolger)

10:30 Open discussion

-- Coffe break --
11:10 Plans for photo-z catalog(s) (Coe/Davidzon)
11:30 Plans for WL catalog (Mathilde Jauzac)
11:50 Plans for cluster member catalog (Anna Niemiec/Guillaume Mahler)
-- Lunch --
 1:30 Plans for overview paper writing and division in WGs (Charles Steinhardt)

Working Groups until 5pm: WG1 (Overview), WG2 (High-z), WG3 (WL), WG4 (Cluster), WG5 (Transient) if needed


Wednesday, 9 AM - 1 PM: Barrick Museum

9:00: Peter Capak

9:20: John Weaver

9:40: Lukas Furtak

10:00: Outreach summary

Coffee Break

10:40 - Lunch: Working groups WG1 (Overview), WG2 (High-z), WG3 (WL), WG4 (Cluster), WG5 (Transient) if needed, WG6 (Outreach)

Wednesday, 1 PM - late: Excursion to Death Valley National Park


Thursday, 9 AM - 5 PM: Barrick Museum

9:00: Rychard Bouwens

9:20: Tom Wilson

9:40: Juan Remolina 

10:00: Brenda Frye

Coffee Break

10:50: David Lagatutta (including introduction to WG7)

11:10: Jose M. Diego (Chema)

11:30: TBD (UNLV speaker)

11:50: Open slot


Thursday 1:30 PM - 5 PM: Working groups WG1 (Overview), WG2 (High-z), WG3 (WL), WG4 (Cluster), WG5 (Transient) if needed, WG7 (Proposals)

Thursday evening: Conference dinner at Wicked Spoon


Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM: Barrick Museum

9:00: Sutieng Tam

9:20: Matteo Matturi

9:40: Masamune Oguri 

10:00: David Harvey

Coffee Break

10:50: Vasily Kokorev

11:10: TBD (UNLV speaker)

11:30: Jason Rhodes (including introduction to WG8)

11:50: Guillaume Mahler


Thursday 1:30 PM - 5 PM: Working groups WG1 (Overview), WG2 (High-z), WG3 (WL), WG4 (Cluster), WG5 (Transient) if needed, WG8 (Decadal whitepapers)

Friday, 4:30 PM: Wrapup (multiple speakers)

Friday evening: Astronomy on Tap