Far IR Surveyor Workshop


A PDF copy of the agenda can be found here

Instructions to speakers:

While the guiding principle is always to describe the most exciting science, this workshop is different from a traditional science meeting in that our goal is to prepare a community response to the NASA whitepaper, "Planning for the 2020 Decadal Survey".  In particular we wish to develop and articulate the best science cases for a FIR Surveyor, and decide which mission architecture provides the essential measurement capabilities at an affordable cost.  There are no contributed talks or posters at the workshop, only invited talks covering the central science areas identified by the organizing committee .  We ask that all speakers describe the key science questions that are likely to be relevant in the 2020's which are uniquely addressable with a FIR mission, along with the specific capabilities (e.g., sensitivity, spatial and spectral resolving power, mapping speed, etc.) required to answer these questions.  Each speaker will be allotted a total of 30 mins (slightly more for the primary instrument concept talks), including time for questions. We plan on having ample time for discussion each day, and for reaching a consensus at the close of the workshop on the best architecture to promote for the FIR Surveyor.  Whitepapers describing the single large telescope and interferometer architectures are available via the Documents tab on this web site.

A measurement requirements 1-page PPTX template file can be downloaded here

Google docs have been created for the science breakouts, which can be found via these links-

High-z / Cosmology, Milky Way, Solar System / Planetary Systems, Nearby Galaxies

FIR Surveyor Workshop
3-5 June 2015 Pasadena, CA
Day 1 (June 3 - Weds.)
Start End (min)
9:00 9:20 0:20 Welcome, logistics, and introductory remarks (L. Armus)
9:20 9:50 0:30 The Landscape in 2020's (G. Helou)
9:50 10:30 0:40 Interferometry Concept for the FIR Surveyor: Bringing Fundamental Astrophysical Processes into Focus (D. Leisawitz)
10:30 10:50 0:20 coffee break
10:50 11:30 0:40 CALISTO: A Cryogenic Space Telescope for Far-IR Astrophysics (M. Bradford)
11:30 12:00 0:30 SPICA update (T. Onaka)
12:00 12:30 0:30 Star Formation in the Galaxy as Probed in the Far-Infrared (L. Mundy / P. Goldsmith)
12:30 13:30 1:00 lunch
13:30 14:00 0:30 Galactic Center Science with a Next Generation FIR Telescope (M. Morris)
14:00 14:30 0:30 Unlocking the Secrets of Planet Formation with Hydrogen Deuteride (T. Bergin)
14:30 15:00 0:30 The ISM and Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies with the FIR Surveyor (K. Sandstrom)
15:00 15:20 0:20 coffee break
15:20 15:50 0:30 AGN and Starbursts in the Nuclei of Active Galaxies (M. Malkan)
15:50 16:20 0:30 Understanding Dust Obscured Activity in High Redshift Galaxies (A. Pope)
16:20 16:50 0:30 Wide Field Astrophysics with a Far-Infrared Space Telescope (A. Cooray)
16:50 17:30 0:40 Science Breakouts 1
17:30 17:50 0:20 Science Breakout 1 reports
19:00 Dinner
Day 2 (June 4 - Thurs.)
Start End (min)
9:00 9:30 0:30 The Starburst-AGN Connection: A Theoretical Perspective (C. Hayward)
9:30 10:00 0:30 Warm H2 as a Probe of Turbulence in the High-z Universe (P. Appleton)
10:00 10:30 0:30 FIR Spectroscopy and Astrochemistry after Herschel (D. Lis)
10:30 11:00 0:30 coffee break
11:00 11:30 0:30 The far-Infrared: A missing link in disk evolution, planet formation and earth-like planets (K. Pontoppidan)
11:30 12:00 0:30 Observing the Solar System with a Far-Infrared Space Telescope (S. Milam)
12:00 12:30 0:30 Debris Disks in the 2020's (W. Holland)
12:30 13:30 1:00 lunch
13:30 14:00 0:40 Science Breajouts 2
14:00 14:30 0:20 Science Breakouts 2
14:30 15:00 0:30 Far-Infrared Detectors (J. Zmuidzinas)
15:00 15:20 0:20 coffee break
15:20 16:00 0:30 Cryocooler considerations for a Far Infrared Surveyor (M. DiPirro)
16:00 16:20 0:30 Advances in Telescope Technology (D. Redding)
16:20 17:50 1:30 Discussion/pop-ups
19:00 Dinner
Day 3 (June 5 - Fri.)
Start End (min)
9:00 10:30 1:30 Discussion
10:30 10:50 0:20 coffee break
10:50 11:30 0:40 Committee Breakout
11:30 12:00 0:30 Committee Summary
12:00 13:00 1:00 lunch
13:00 14:30 1:30 Discussion /plan for COPAG summary