Splinter Sessions

Tuesday Splinter Sessions

1. Building a Better Ruler: Wavelength Calibration Challenges and Opportunities at the <10 cm Level - convened by Sam Halverson, Ryan Terrien, and Andreas Seifahrt

  • 2-2:10 pm: ESPRESSO FP+ThAR Wavelength Calibration - Christophe Lovis
  • 2:10-2:20 pm: 50 cm/s Stability Wavelength Solution Stability on HARPS and HARPS-N - Xavier Dumusque
  • 2:20-2:30 pm: Taming the HARPS and ESPRESSO LFC - Gaspare Lo Curto
  • 2:30-2:40 pm: YARARA and Instrumental Systematics - Michael Cretignier
  • 2:40-2:50 pm: EXCALIBUR and EXPRES Wavelength Solution - Lily Zhao
  • 2:50-3:00 pm: Menlo LFC - Simon Kocur, Jason Reeves
  • 3:00-3:10 pm: Photonic Systems for Spectral Flattening - Nem Jovanovic
  • 3:10-3:30 pm: LFCs and New Calibration Technologies - Scott Diddams, Pooja Sekhar, Connor Frederick


2. Machine Learning Techniques for Extreme Precision Radial Velocities - convened by Luis Agustin Nieto, and Zoe de Beurs

  • 2:00-2:15 pm: Introduction to Machine Learning for EPRVs - Zoe de Beurs
  • 2:15-2:35 pm: Beyond the BIC: A Predictive Accuracy View of Model Comparison for Astronomers - Sarah Blunt
  • 2:35-2:55 pm: Gaussian Processes for Precision Radial Velocities - Belinda Nicholson
  • 2:55-3:30 pm: Discussion Panel featuring Sarah Blunt, Megan Bedell, Belinda Nicholson

3. Near-Infrared RV Spectrographs - convened by Claire Moutou, Ansgar Reiners, Motohide Tamura, and Etienne Artigau

  • Lessons Learned on NIR RV with CARMENES - Ansgar Reiners and Ignasi Ribas
  • Lessons Learned on NIR RV with HPF - Gudmundur Stefansson and Joe Ninan
  • Lessons Learned on NIR RV with SPIRou and NIRPS - Etienne Artigau et al
  • Lessons Learned on NIR RV with IRD - Masayuki Kuzuhara
  • Lessons Learned and Open Discussion

Thursday Splinter Sessions

1. Building a Better Ruler: Wavelength Calibration Challenges and Opportunities at the <10 cm Level - convened by Sam Halverson, Ryan Terrien, and Andreas Seifahrt

  • 2-2:10 pm: SPIROU Wavelength Calibration - Claire Moutou
  • 2:10-2:20 pm: Veloce Wavelength Calibration - Chris Tinney
  • 2:20-2:30 pm: HPF Wavelength Calibration - Joe Ninan
  • 2:30-2:40 pm: IRD Wavelength Calibration - Takayuki Kotani
  • 2:40-2:50 pm: CARMENES Wavelength Calibration - Ansgar Reiners 
  • 2:50-3:00 pm: PARVI Wavelength Calibration - Bryson Cale
  • 3:00-3:10 pm: NEID Wavelength Calibration - Chad Bender, Ryan Terrien
  • 3:10-3:20 pm: MAROON-X Wavelength Calibration - Andreas Seifahrt
  • 3:20-3:30 pm: FOCES Wavelength Calibration - Hanna Kellerman


2. Machine Learning Techniques for Extreme Precision Radial Velocities - convened by Luis Agustin Nieto, and Zoe de Beurs

  • 2:00-2:15 pm: Introductory Talk - Deep Learning - Luis Agustin Nieto
  • 2:15-2:35 pm: Parameterizing and Modeling Stellar Variability in the Study of "Sun as a Star" - Jinglin Zhao
  • 2:35-2:55 pm: Data Driven Radial Velocity Measurements by Auto-encoding Stellar Activities - Yan Liang
  • 2:55-3:15 pm: ExoplaNNet: Deep Learning for Exoplanet Detection in RV Data - Luis Agustin Nieto
  • 3:15-3:30 pm: Discussion Panel Featuring - Jinglin Zhao, Yan Liang and Luis Augustin Nieto


3. From Solar to Stellar: Establishing High-Fidelity Stellar Data Sets That Isolate Individual Sources of Variability - convened by Jacob Luhn, Belinda Nicholson, and Lily Zhao

Program below and also in this PDF.

Solar to Stellar splinter logo

Mission Statement Goals

The unprecedented precision and stability of EPRV era spectrographs offer unique new probes of stellar variability.  This splinter session will give the community a space to strategically determine the ideal targets, data sets, and collaborations necessary for deliberate studies of stellar variability.  Specifically, we will highlight the benefits to be gained from coordinating between telescopes/instrument teams and establish a shared list of touchstone variability targets beyond existing Standard Star targets.

Driving Question:

What stellar data sets will allow the community to produce the largest advances in probing stellar variability, developing variability diagnostics, and assessing mitigation techniques, and how can we facilitate cooperation among instrument teams to build up these data sets?

Anticipated Splinter Session Outcomes:

  • Use community input to begin an initial list of stars that are worth observing for the goal of studying stellar signals (ones where the stellar or planetary signals are already well-studied, beginning to be studied, more easily studied, etc.).
  • Begin a formal collaboration/Working Group to continue discussion and coordinate further on the list of stars and writing a white paper.
  • (Longer term) write a white paper that establishes the need for Stellar Variability Touchstones and the important role for the EPRV community in the future.

Session Format:

Introductory Talks (20 minutes)

  • Sources and Timescales of Variability - Belinda Nicholson
  • Lessons from Solar Data - Lily Zhao
  • What Can Standard Stars Offer? - Jenn Burt
  • What More De We Need? - Jacob Luhn

Group Discussion (70 minutes)

  • What should stellar variability data sets capture?
  • What targets should we prioritize?
  • What is our best approach?
  • What have we missed?