Posters and POPs

There will be dedicated poster sessions during the conference and each in person poster presenter will have a maximum 4' x 4' (1.2 m x 1.2 m) area for display. 

Downloadable PDF of the EPRV5 Poster Authors and Titles with poster competition entrants indicated.

Posters will be displayed throughout the entire conference, and the coffee breaks that happen twice each day will be centered in the poster room to allow ample opportunity to show off your work. 

Poster Pops:  On Tuesday, March 28 we have time set aside for 1-minute poster pops.  Since there are more poster submissions than we have space for, we will randomly select the pop presenters following the February 17 submission deadline.  Pop presenters will be asked to submit a PDF of 1 slide maximum for their pop presentation.  Click to view the Pop schedule.

Early Career Poster Competition on Monday and Tuesday of the conference:  Student and postdoc in-person attendees can sign-up to participate in the competition to be judged by the SOC; following the February 17 submission deadline, you will be notified as to when your poster will be judged.  The top two poster presenters (ranked in terms of poster appearance, science content, and presentation skills) will be offered a talk slot on the last day of the conference to present their work.

Posters will be evaluated based on the criteria in this form ; the coffee break during which the authors should stand by their poster are shown on this list.

EPRV5 Posters - Click on Title to View PDF of Each Poster                                            

Other Topics                                                  

1          Rachel Bowens-Rubin (UCSC) Better together: using radial velocity data to guide direct imaging observations to characterize exoplanets and brown dwarfs           

2          Catherine Clark (JPL)  The Forgotten Planets in Multi-Star Systems

3          Robert Frazier (Penn State)  NEID Reveals that The Young Warm Neptune TOI-2076 b Has a Low Obliquity      

4          Mark Giovinazzi (University of Pennsylvania)  Stellar Mass Measurements in the Era of Precise Astrometry and Radial Velocities           

5          Katelyn Horstman (Caltech) Exomoon Sensitivity of the Keck Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC)   

6          Katie Lester (NASA Ames) Visual Orbits & Inclinations of Exoplanet Host Binaries        

7          Sarah Logsdon (NSF's NOIRLab) NEID: Prepping for and Recovering from the 2022 Contreras Fire   

8          Sarah Logsdon (NSF's NOIRLab) NEID Queue Operations: Design, Implementation, and Current Performance        

Data Analysis / Statistical Methods                                                   

9          Christopher Lam (Univ. of Florida) An Information Theoretic Approach to Scheduling Radial Velocity Follow-Up Observations for TESS Systems

10        Yan Liang (Princeton)   AESTRA: A Deep Learning Tool for Stellar Activity Mitigation in EPRV Measurements     

11        Jack Lubin (UC Irvine)  Exploring New Dimensions in Stellar Activity Analysis of Radial Velocities  

12        Pablo Peña (Universidad Diego Portales) Conquering Exoplanet Signals

13        Victor Ramirez Delgado (University of Delaware) Rayleigh Criterion Applied to Astronomical Time Series      

14        Gene Serabyn (JPL) The signal-to-noise ratio of the spectral cross-correlation function peak    

15        Alexander Wise (Penn State University) Improving EPRVs via Custom Spectral Line Lists       

RV Surveys                                                     

16        Cayla  Dedrick (Penn State) Operational and Science Updates from MINERVA    

17        Megan Delamer (The Pennsylvania State University) What does the HPF spy? Probing detection limits of the ongoing GTO survey and planet occurrence rates of very low mass stars 

18        James  Jenkins (Universidad Diego Portales)  Bayesian Models Applied to Giant Star Radial-velocity Data

19        Belinda  Nicholson (University of Oxford) The use of spectropolarimetry for terra-hunting      

20        Masashi Omiya (Astrobiology Center/NAOJ) Infrared Doppler survey for Earth-like planets around late-M dwarfs with IRD/Subaru           

21        Leonardo Paredes (The University of Arizona) The RKSTAR Concert's Opening Act: The Radial Velocity Survey of K Stars within 33 Parsecs       

22        Alex Polanski (University of Kansas)   The TESS-Keck Survey: Uniform Mass Determinations for 86 TOIs  

23        Henrik Ruh (IAG)  Radial velocity precision in ten ultra-cool M-dwarfs

24        Rob Wittenmyer (University of Southern Queensland) The value of RV in an EPRV world     


25        Ashley Baker (Caltech) An RV Error Budget & Performance Simulations for the HISPEC Spectrograph                                                                  


26        Genevieve Markees (University of Central Florida) Improved EPRV Calibration via Multi-Telescope Arrays       

27        Sebastian Schäfer (Göttingen University - Institut für Astrophysik und Geophysik) Empirical frequency calibration at cm/s accuracy         

28        Zitian Yue (Carleton College) Long-term monitoring of the HPF and NEID Fabry-Perot Etalon Calibrators


29        Yui Kasagi  (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI)) Assessing the impact of telluric contamination on near-infrared RV measurements with IRD   

Exoplanet Detections                                                

30        Charles Cadieux (University of Montreal) The LHS 1140 system revisited with the line-by-line framework     

31        Victoria DiTomasso (Harvard) Mass Measurement of a Terrestrial Planet with Approved JWST Observations      

32        Ginger Frame (University of Warwick) TOI-2498: A hot, bloated Super-Neptune in the Neptune desert     

33        Claire Geneser (Mississippi State University) Navigating stellar activity of Young stars to validate TESS planets around K dwarfs

34        Emily Gilbert (NASA JPL) Measuring the Masses of the TOI-700 Planets with ESPRESSO        

35        Yasunori Hori (Astrobiology Center/National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)  Are Eccentric, Close-in Sub-Neptunes not Rocky?           

36        Xinyan Hua (Tsinghua University) A transiting super-Earth in the radius valley and an outer planet candidate around HD 307842   

37        Jonathan Jackson (Wesleyan University) Observable Predictions from High-eccentricity Migration of Warm Jupiters           

38        Masayuki Kuzuhara (Astrobiology Center of NINS)  Combination of precision RV measurements with direct imaging and astrometry for detection and characterization of substellar companions   

39        Manuel Mallorquín (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias) Dynamical masses of two transiting Neptune-size planets in the young active HD63433 star  

40        Louise Nielsen (ESO-Garching) Transition between Ice and Gas giants explored with TESS and RV follow-up         

41        Gudmundur Stefansson (Princeton University) Precise NIR RVs with HPF reveal a close-in Neptune orbiting an ultracool star       

42        Judah Van Zandt (UCLA) Early Results from the Distant Giants Survey

43        Thomas Wilson (University of St Andrews) Probing the compositional link between terrestrial planets and their stars with EPRV observations  

44        Jingwen Zhang (Univ. of Hawaii) Survey of companions to transiting planet hosts:target selection using Hipparcos and Gaia astrometric acceleration       


45        Ashley Baker (Caltech) The Keck Planet Finder’s Ca II H&K Monitoring Spectrometer         

46        Cullen Blake (University of Pennsylvania) Coupling Starlight into Single-Mode Fiber on Small Telescopes       

47        David Erskine (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Stability boosting and characterization of high resolution spectrographs using an externally dispersed interferometer        

48        Casper Farret Jentink  (Observatory of Geneva) The scrambling performance of the ABORAS 1cm integrating spheres       

49        Casper Farret Jentink (Observatory of Geneva) The RV stability and precision budget for NIGHT: a compact, near-infrared, hi-res spectrograph to survey helium in exoplanet upper atmospheres    

50        Yolanda Frensch (ESO / Université de Genève) NIRPS modal noise mitigation and reduction techniques     

51        Supriyo Ghosh (University of Hertfordshire) EXOhSPEC: a small and inexpensive actively controlled high-resolution optical spectrograph 

52        Steve Gibson (Caltech)  System Design of the Keck Planet Finder      

53        Phil Hinz (UCSC) Adaptive Optics with the APF and KPF: What can we gain? 

54        Shubham Kanodia (Carnegie Institution for Science, EPL) A harsh test of fiber scrambling using the Habitable-zone Planet Finder           

55        Hanna Kellermann (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich) The Manfred Hirt Planet Spectrograph (MaHPS)      

56        Takayuki Kotani  (Astrobiology Center) Development of very high efficiency, diffraction-limited echelle grating for the HISPEC spectrograph 

57        Rafael Luque (University of Chicago)  MARCOT: A new concept of a large aperture telescope to feed CARMENES           

58        Dimitri Mawet (Caltech) Fiber-fed high-resolution infrared spectroscopy at the diffraction limit with Keck-HISPEC and TMT-MODHIS           

59        Teo Mocnik (Gemini Observatory) A User's Guide to MAROON-X EPRVs

60        Jake Pember (KU Leuven) MARVEL: spectrograph optical design and facility status update    

61        Christian Schwab (Macquarie University) Mechanical and thermal design of the MARVEL and DOT HRS spectrometers        

62        Colby Jurgenson (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) G@M: Design of the Giant Magellan Telescope Consortium Large Earth Finder (G-CLEF) for operations at the Magellan telescopes.

63        Aoi Takahashi (Astrobiology Center) Development of a fiber mechanical switcher for Keck/HISPEC and TMT/MODHIS

64        James Thorne (W.M. Keck Observatory) Lessons learned - commissioning a FIU for KPFF      

65        Gautam Vasisht (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology) Update on the Palomar Radial Velocity Instrument     

66        Josh Walawender (W. M. Keck Observatory) Operating KPF: Using a Queue-like System at a Classically Scheduled Observatory

67        Liang Wang (Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences) A high-resolution ultra-stable spectrograph for GTC

68        Fei Zhao (National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences) Characterising the wavelength calibration precision and its limitation via an astro-comb for observing low-mass exoplanets 

Stellar Variability                                                       

69        Patrick Dorval (Uppsala University) Mitigating the impact of starspots in RV through GUSTS     

70        Kingsley Ehrich (University of California, Berkeley) Identifying Magnetically Sensitive and Insensitive Spectral Lines to Improve Radial Velocity Detections of Exoplanets      

71        Rae Holcomb (UC Irvine) The TESS Rotation Collaboration: Measuring Stellar Rotation in the TESS Era        

72        Howard Isaacson (UC Berkeley) A CKS Survey of the Shromospheric Activity of Planet Hosting Stars

73        Erik Johnson (Institute for Astrophysics and Geophysics Gottingen) Characterizing the activity duality in CARMENES M dwarfs: implications for RV jitter mitigation 

74        Daniel  Krolikowski (University of Arizona)  The complex temporal and chromatic jitter signal of the M-dwarf EV Lac with multi-wavelength precision RVs      

75        Marina Lafarga Magro (University of Warwick) Sensitivity to activity of M dwarf spectral lines        

76        Jacob Luhn (UC Irvine) Stellar Variability in Isolation: Two Case Studies of Time-Resolved Stellar Signals with EPRV Instruments

77        Jacob Luhn (UC Irvine) Pushing the (Convective) Envelope: Leveraging Stellar P-mode Oscillations in Subgiants to Improve Radial Velocity Precision      

78        David Montes (UCM, Universidad Complutense de Madrid) Identifying activity- and magnetically-sensitive spectral lines in M dwarfs using CARMENES visible and near infrared spectra  

79        Louise  Nielsen (ESO) Combining visible and near-infrared high resolution spectroscopy to mitigate stellar activity       

80        Kanishk Pandey (Carleton College) Simulating the Magnetic Sensitivity of Spectral Lines           

81        Winter Parts (Pennsylvania State University) Paving the Way to 10cm/s with Laser Heterodyne Radiometry on the Sun

82        Lalitha Sairam (University of Birmingham) STellar ACtivity foreCAst for opTimal Observations of exoplanets (STACCATO)      

83        Sharon Xuesong Wang (Tsinghua University) RVxTESS I: Modeling Asteroseismic Signals with Simultaneous Photometry and RVs           

84        Haochuan Yu (University of Oxford) Multi-dimensional GP models for stellar activity: lessons from HARPS-South         

85        Jinglin  Zhao (Penn State) Parametrizing and modeling stellar variability in the study of the “Sun-as-a-star”

Software Pipelines                                                     

86        Komal  Bali (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER)-Mohali)  Use of sky fiber to correct for solar light contamination in EPRV           

87        Bryson Cale (IPAC/JPL) Commissioning Observations with PARVI     

88        Neil James Cook (University of Montreal) The inner workings of the line-by-line code for outlier-resistant velocity measurements.          

89        David Kasper (University of Chicago) The MAROON-X Data Reduction Pipeline     

90        Zitao  Lin (Tsinghua University) Extracting Radial Velocities using WOBBLE from SPIRou Data         

91        Andrew Ridden-Harper (LCO) Las Cumbres Observatory's Network of Robotic Echelle Spectrographs (NRES)           

92        Selma Vangstein (Carleton) Precise continuum normalization of NEID spectra   

Stellar Variability                                                       

93        Ian Colwell (JPL) An Automated Approach for Characterizing Stellar Activity Using Machine Learning         

Other Topics                                                  

94        Alejandro Suárez Mascareño (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias) IACSAT-1: a new space observatory designed by IACTEC     

Solar Studies                                                  

95        Ben Lakeland (University of Exeter) Applying structure functions to EPRV data to reveal quiet-Sun variability  

96        Michael Palumbo (Penn State)   Physical Insights into Solar Center-to-limb RV Variability with SDO

97        Paul Rajaguru (Indian Institute of Astrophysics) Photospheric magnetic flux distribution and the variations in Sun-as-a-star RVs: a closer look using HARPS-N Solar and SDO Observations.         

98        Ansgar Reiners  (Institut für Astrophysik und Geophysik) The IAG spectral atlas of the spatially resolved Sun 

99        Ryan Rubenzahl (Caltech) A Solar Calibrator for the Keck Planet Finder

100      Steven Saar (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian) A Preliminary Look at the Radial Velocity Effects of Two Magnetic-Related Flows: Penumbrae and Active Region Infows          

101      Jinglin Zhao (Penn State) A novel perspective of deciphering p-mode oscillation – the auto-covariance domain      


102      Kai Zhang (NIAOT) CHORUS: An High-Resolution Ultra-Stable Spectrograph for GTC RV Surveys                                                     

103      Zitao Lin (Tsinghua University) Extracting Radial Velocities using wobble from CFHT-SPIRou Data  

Virisha Timmaraju (JPL) Characterizing and Quantifying Stellar Variability Using Deep Learning