COVID Policies

EPRV 5 COVID-19 Policies


EPRV 5 will follow City and County  of Santa Barbara health guidelines, and if those become more restrictive then we will follow any changes to the policies. Santa Barbara County and the city of Santa Barbara do not currently have an indoor mask mandate, so there will likely be people at restaurants, shops, and the hotel who are not wearing masks. All EPRV 5 attendees are encouraged to maintain mask-wearing away from the conference, particularly when in close proximity to others or in enclosed public spaces.


We encourage all attendees to wear high-quality masks (N95, KN95, or surgical) during all indoor portions of the conference, with the exception of speakers during their presentations. We will have a small stock pile of masks for in-person attendees if needed.



We ask workshop attendees to test before beginning their travel to Santa Barbara so as to avoid accidental COVID transmission. If funds are available, we plan to provide each in-person attendee with a rapid covid test upon arrival at the meeting and encourage them to test in their hotel rooms Monday morning before joining the conference.


If You Feel Unwell

  • Please isolate and get COVID tested as soon as possible.
  • If you test positive, do not come to the in-person workshop.
  • Attend the workshop virtually: the Zoom information will be sent to all attendees before the conference.
  • Follow the CDC Guidelines on isolation timelines.

Contact Tracing

All attendees are encouraged to enable (iPhone) or download (Android) the mobile phone contact tracing system CA Notify.

CA Notify uses the Bluetooth connectivity of your phone to keep track of other phones you may be near, while preserving your privacy. With CA Notify enabled, your phone will alert you if you recently had close contact with anyone who later tested positive for COVID. Conversely, if you test positive for COVID, you should notify the app of your positive test. Then anyone you had close contact with will get a message indicating they may have been exposed and encouraging them to get a COVID test.

If you have used exposure notifications before on your phone, it is important to change your active region to California for the duration of the workshop to receive messages consistent with the local region.